Monday, February 17, 2020

Microtubules Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Microtubules - Essay Example Microtubules Again, these mechanisms need further exploration but the existing understanding is that reorganization of F-actin causes destabilization of transinteraction between TJ and AJ proteins of the adjacent epithelial cells and in turn initiate AJC internalization. Microtubules, which are also an important element of intracellular cytoskeleton have also been found to be closely related to the cell movement as a whole or any intracellular structure formation like, vesiscles and their movement. Data support the abundance of microtubules in differentiated renal and intestinal cells and depolymerization of microtubules leading to disruption of the integrity of TJs and Ajs in some tissues like lungs. This evidence led the author to explore the role of microtubules depolymerization in the disruptions of apical junction complex. Existing evidence strongly support the role of microtubules depolymerization in the disruption of intercellular connections like tight junctions and adherens junction in various tissues and helps in the pathogenesis of various disease processes. In this regard it has been shown that the endothelial intercellular junctions are also disassembled as well as others like in the brain. Building a rationale on the basis of these data, author formulated a hypothesis: ‘microtubules are involved in the disruption of apical junctions in simple epithelial cells’.... 'Disassembly of the AJC in calcium depleted SK-CO-15 cells is dependent on microtubule integrity;' 'Inhibition or attenuation of AJC disassembly by microtubule stabilization would indicate the role for dynamic microtubules in the process;' 'Polarity of perijunctional microtubules would dictate the type of microtubule motor which is involved in disassembly and internalization of the AJC.' To test these hypotheses, the author carried out a research study where a number of experimental activities were carried out, like: use of antibodies for the detection of intercellular junctions, while microtubules were detected by immunoflurescence labeling and Western Blotting. Cell culture was used was SK-CO-15, which is a transformed human colonic epithelial cell line. To make the medium free from Ca++, the monolayers of epithelium were washed with calcium free-Eagle's minimum essential medium for suspension culture. Pharmacological agents utilized were; nocodazole; docetaxel and pacitaxel; adenylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) and aurintriccarboxyylic acid (ATA). Major findings Through this experiment, the author has been able to demonstrate the role of microtubules depolymerization in the disassembly of junctional complexes through a variety of experimental evidence. Disassembly of the AJC in calcium depleted SK-CO-15 cells To answer the research question related to first sub-hypothesis, the findings have been: At normal Ca++ concentrations, depolymerized microtubules with nocodazole TJ and AJ proteins were found to be located at the cell-cell contacts, reflecting chicken-wire staining pattern while in the environment with depletion of Ca++ for one hour the result was disruption of AJs and TJs with accumulation of e-cadherin, occluding and ZO-1 in

Monday, February 3, 2020

Crashes in Oregon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Crashes in Oregon - Essay Example Outside areas of this urban-rural boundary were divided into further boundaries of 2.5 miles. An intersection tool in ArcMap was used to locate crashes within these areas. By using R studio software, road accidents in Oregon were classified into fatality crashes, serious injury crashes (Injury Type A), non-fatal crashes and PDO (Property damaged only) crashes. By using the MOR method, this research essay found that the total number of crashes that were recorded were 49790. The number of fatal crashes was 305 while non-fatal crashes were 24455 and while 25030 crashes resulted in PDO, and 1432 crashes resulted in serious injuries. A rise in the percentage of crashes has been observed in crashes involving the use of alcohol, unbelted occupants, during weekends, during nighttime and on interstate highways. Crashes involving the use of alcohol have shown a rise in the range 20% -28% from the year 2006 to 2012 for all zones. Thus, it is essential to establish safety-associated outlays and shoulder widening, making suitable alterations to the existing vertical and horizontal curves, the introduction of median treatments and to introduce the resurfacing will go long way in reducing the number of road accidents in the Oregon rural roads. Road traffic crashes are typical incidents that take place on the road. These involve vehicles and result in harm to people and property in form of casualties, injuries, and damage to vehicle and damage to nearby properties. Broadly speaking, the damages of road crashes are divided into two categories human and financial damages. The first ever fatal traffic crash recorded in the history of the world took place in the UK in the year 1896, after the accident, the then British Secretary of Transport stated that ‘never should we allow this to happen again’ (Balogun, 2007).Â